Layering Your Colors Makes All the Difference In Watercolor

When I started painting all I thought I needed to do way lay down the color, The first time the only time, sometimes I would go over the color when things weren’t working but with watercolor I knew this is how you make the color muddy . Watercolor in itself should be fresh. The more I have worked with watercolor the more I have learned to wait for the surface to dry and then add more to get a richer color and dimension

The beginning of a watercolor

finished watercolor card

I started out as a watercolorist and I am finding that I am loving it all over again. It is portable, takes up such a little space and the mixing of the colors are infinite. So… do layer your watercolor but… wait for it to dry between.

What a Great Art Walk

Woodinville Art Alliance has got a great thing going. They have a wonderful art walk usually the first Friday of the month, 4 times a year. There are many different venues but in 3 separate parts of Woodinville. It you want to meet the Artist, opening day is the only day they are all together, but if you want to see the art it stays up for about 3 MONTHS after !

The Summer exhibitions will be changing at the end of the month. I have loved being at the Woodin Creek Lodge, a wonderful space in the heart of their community. Fab is the events person there and she is great, such a nice person to work with and she knows just everything about the community and makes it feel cohesive. If you live in that section of town check it out.

Below are some of my art that art still available at Woodin Creek Lounge

Everyday is an Experiment

Somedays its a struggle to sit down and do some art. Is this really what I want to do?

Sometimes I feel that I don’t have anything to say in a picture or painting.

Somedays I find my style repetitive and I just need to shake it up a bit.

That is when I just start. Just start

If you start each day as an experiment, you have nothing to loose. You can just play. Scribble, write your soul on that page and then cover it up.. or let it peek through…just a little.

Enjoy the process, it doesn’t have to turn into anything. Here is one of my experiments that actually turned into something I really like.