There is creativity all around.... ( or " there is no such thing as being bored")

In these days of insolating ourselves in our homes, not getting out and finding something to do. We are forced to confront our homes. I don’t know about you but I find cleaning and organizing my home a little mundane… so I am always looking for something to do… use my hands…learn something new.

I had heard about making quilts out of mens shirts and had saved a few, the designs on Pinterest was great and very motivating, besides my husband won’t miss a few shirts. So I set out to take apart some shirts and use the fabric. I did save the collars, buttons and cuffs ( who knows what I will do with them later) I decided to make a quilt throw, since I really didn’t know what I was doing. I ended up doing this really simple triangle pattern ( you can make these without cutting triangles… thank you google) I also make a simple pattern for the back as well. When completed I did take this to a quilter with a long arm machine to add the batting and with an all over pattern quilted it together ( I chose a circular pattern since my design was so angular…figuring that it soften up the design. ) I added a simple border. I wanted a little extra to let people know that this was from shirts II added some of the tags… soo cool. I am excited about how this turned out.

What have you been doing?

Hunkering Down

As of Wednesday I am “ taking 2 weeks off…. to be evaluated later” for my job. I work at Seattle Childrens hospital and they are down to the bare minimum of people now. Good for me because I can really catch up on all this art I want to do as well as buckling down to work on the web site.. Here’s a little of my to do list that I have just started. I hope you can find something wonderful you want to do that you have been putting off. This is a perfect opportunity to not only learn something but call those people you care about hear their voice and really find out how they are doing ,get some socialization for yourself and your health.

As you can see, I have things I want to do , can do, inside and outside but it would be great to make a list of something I have always wanted to learn… maybe that Italian language.. or maybe not.

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