When Cats Are Part of the Process

There is one thing about cats and that they are very independent.   When you don't want them someplace that is where they seem to want to be.  Today my cat Porter was very much into my photo shoot, It was hard to say "scat" to him when he is so cute an loveable.

I would love to hear  your adventures with animals and how they make your work, fun, tolerable or the "Bain of your existence".

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Bring on the Flowers

It has been so hot here.... I am not complaining but that just isn't normal for the Seattle area.  We love our sun,  when it comes out we want to take advantage of it.   So when it gets hot here ( I am talking above 80- don't laugh)  and we have to find a cool shady space I have been hiding out in my studio with a great fan blowing away.   So my choice of painting flowers has been a no brainer,That and I am taking this awesome class from Lynn Whipple colager extrodinaire.  

Bowl of Flowers

Bowl of Flowers